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Womb Talk by Dr. Archana Mehta

Pregnancy and Meditation

Pregnancy can come with an onslaught of emotions. Pregnant women have to go through a number of emotional and physical challenges. Hormonal changes can lead to mood swings, increased appetite, and nausea, along with sleep disturbances and the life changes associated with welcoming a new member to your family, can leave you feeling stressed and even anxious in the midst of all the positives. You may feel happy, sad, excited, and worried all in the span of a few minutes.

One of the most effective ways to keep stress aside and re-center yourself is through meditation. By setting aside just a few minutes of your day to be silent, focus on your breathing, and let go of all your thoughts, you’ll feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle that never-ending to-do list. Meditation helps reduce the stress that is often experienced by pregnant women while improving their concentration also.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a form of complementary medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation involves focusing your attention for a period of time, whether it’s on your breath, a mantra (repeated positive phrase), or the present moment. When done properly over an extended period of time, meditation can boost positive vibes for expectant moms. We at womb talk can guide you throughout your journey of motherhood.

Meditation is great for both you and your baby-to-be. Here are a few of the benefits of practicing mindfulness when pregnant:

1. Calms Pregnancy Stress

Pregnancy is a great experience but can provoke intense anxiety. Practicing meditation during pregnancy can lower stress, anxiety, and other fears you have about pregnancy and labor. Irrespective of the external circumstances, you feel more relaxed within. The more you feel relaxed the less stressful the labor or birthing process will be.

2. Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Getting enough sleep is as important as eating healthy food. Because sleep is involved in the healing and repair of heart and blood vessels. A happy mom means a happy baby, and happiness is often found through great sleep. Meditation can help you to induce better sleep.

3. Meditating Allows You To Get To Know Your Unborn Baby

Meditation is a beautiful way to bond with your growing baby. Envision yourself with your baby in the womb, tell her how loved she is, and visualize hugging and kissing her. Simply sending loving thoughts to your unborn child helps build a strong bond that will flourish when your baby is born.

4. Boosts Immunity

Meditation improves the body’s immune function, reduces blood pressure, and also sharpens the mind. Meditation helps keep your body healthy and protect the baby from immune-related disorders after birth.

5. Lowered Heart Rate

When you release the mind, it is nothing but releasing the body as well. Meditation is a great time to check in with your physical self. In taking deep, slow breaths, you will begin to notice that your heart rate will drop as well. A calm and stable heart rate will also indicate to your baby that you are happy.

Pregnancy is the ideal time to learn or restart a meditation practice because you’re effectively benefiting two people – you and mini-you. Womb talk is a great platform for pregnant women to start with the motherhood journey with proper guidelines.

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